All customers that are to be paid cash must present a valid cash transaction card. An application will be filled out, thumb print provided, with a signature. The card then will be mailed to the customer at the address on file. After the card is received this will be presented in lieu of a drivers license and payment will be issued in cash.
Print out your application today and bring it with you for faster service!
Is the cash card a debit card?
No, this card does not hold money.It merely takes the place of presenting your drivers license each visit.
Will I receive a 1099 for metal I sell?
No, this card is meant to help control metal theft.
How long does it take for my card to come in?
We process cards daily and give a 10 day time frame to receive the card in the mail.
Am I required to obtain a cash card?
No, this is only a requirement if you wish to be paid in cash otherwise check will be issued.
Does it cost money to get the card?
No, the card is issued free of charge.
Where can I find out more information about house bill 2187?
Please visit the Texas Department of Public Safety Metal Program for more information.